Nordic Circular Summit 2022

Last week's Nordic Circular Summit left us inspired and hopeful! After being the project leaders of the Nordic Circular Hotspot since 2020, we are very proud to see how far the project, its partners and the circular economy in the Nordics have come in such a short time.

The Nordic Circular Hotspot is a complex project, run by Managing Partners from five different countries, with five different languages and market cultures. Its ambitions are high: to accelerate the transition from a linear to a circular economy in the Nordics. This requires strong collaboration across borders, industries, segments, sectors and silos. It also requires systematic change in entire value chains, which takes time and great effort! 

For the first three years of the project, our focus has been to establish a fruitful collaboration between the Managing Partners, between Nordic Circular Hotspot and Nordic Innovation, and with and between companies and organisations in the NCH Partner Programme and Transition Groups. We have also had great focus on increasing public knowledge on the circular economy — its challenges and opportunities, and how it will benefit people, nature, society and the economy in the Nordic region.

The Nordic Circular Summit is the project’s key initiative, and this year's event presented more than 30 sessions which included talks and panels on the circular economy in a wide range of industries and contexts. We learned from Nordic ministers, mayors, business leaders, innovators, designers, professors and students, from companies like The World Bank, Sitra, Circle Economy, Maastricht Sustainability Institute, Product-Life Institute Geneva, Houdini, Posten Norge, Foxway, Startup Norway, RISE, EY, Ethica and many more. The summary is that many great forces are now pulling in the same direction—but there is still a lot of work to be done by all of us.

We are very proud of the great work that has been done by all of the Nordic Circular Hotspot Managing Partners and Nordic Innovation leading up to this event, not least the dedicated team at Natural State that has been at the wheel since August 2020. We want to give an immense thank you to our main partner and co-founder Nordic Innovation for such a strong and good collaboration. We look forward to continuing the process of building a circular Nordic region together!

Are you curious to find out how the circular economy can benefit your company? Or are you ready to start collaborating with leaders in your industry in the Nordic Circular Transition Groups? Reach out to learn more about the Nordic Circular Hotspot today.


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